The SEND Policy and SEND Information report are published in our website policies folder

The West Berkshire Local Offer information for Bucklebury can be found by clicking here.

At Bucklebury, learning is at the heart of all school activity. We provide a safe, happy, caring, family environment, where Christian values are promoted, individual needs are met and all successes are celebrated. In keeping with our Christian ethos, we foster respect for individuals and their differences, together with responsibility for our surroundings and ourselves.

Sometimes, children have particular needs that require additional support in school. These needs are addressed with great care and our approach is detailed in the Local Offer linked above. Such needs will always be discussed with parents, and we will seek to ensure there is appropriate support given to children to meet the identified need. Many children at this point benefit from an Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) which identifies the needs of the child and ways of meeting that need. 

At times, the needs of a pupil require additional advice or support from the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) in school, and sometimes external agencies may be invited into school to give further professional advice and support.

In most cases, we will seek to provide suitable teaching and learning opportunities within the normal class context. Additionally, your child may benefit from small group or individual support.

Occasionally, the needs of a child are significant enough for the school to seek additional support, and sometimes funding, to help meet the needs of a child.

In all cases, you will be fully involved in the discussions, advice and support. 

The school checks the quality of the support for each child and reports the effectiveness of provision to the governors. Any concerns should be directed to the school in the following order: Class teacher, SEN co-ordinator,  Head Teacher and then finally Chair of Governors. Any complaints should be made pursuant to the school’s Complaints Policy.

SENCO - Katie Sutherland 

Most Able

It is also recognised that some children are more able, and sometimes have specific skills, talents and abilities. Wherever appropriate these needs will also be met through school, or advice will be given as to where additional support or opportunities might be found.

For more information on more able children, visit the Government website.