Please click on any underlined subtitle to access further information.

Admission arrangements

West Berkshire Council acts as our admissions authority. 

Contact Details

The school name, postal address and telephone number, along with a contact name for enquiries.

Curriculum Information

Curriculum content in each academic year for every subject and details of how additional information relating to the curriculum may be obtained by parents. We use letters and sounds to structure our phonics provision.


Schools have statutory duties to fulfil in regard to equality. Please click to view.


Click to read about benchmarking and public sector pay at Bucklebury.


Links to recent reports and data from the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)

Privacy Notice

As a data controller, we have responsibilities which are outlined here.

Pupil Premium

Click to read our current Pupil Premium Statement.

Remote Learning Information

Click to read our expectations and approach


Click to read our safeguarding statement and direct link to our policy.

School Policies

Key policies are available here. A full list of policies is available from the school office.

Special Educational Needs 

Details about the school’s admission arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities;

• the steps taken to prevent pupils with SEN from being treated less favourably than other pupils;

• access facilities for pupils with SEN

• the accessibility plan which the school’s governing board has in place

Sports Grant

The PE and sport premium allocation for the current academic year;

• details of how the school intends to spend the allocation;

• details of how the previous year’s allocation was spent; and

• the ways in which it made a difference to the PE and sport participation and attainment of the pupils   who attract the funding.

Test Results

Most recent KS2 SAT Results. For performance tables click here

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Other relevant information

SIAMS Inspection Report 2023

Ofsted Inspection Report 2024