The school day

The School Day

Doors open at 8.40am.

Registration is at 8.50am for the morning session.

Registration is at 1pm for the afternoon session.

Lessons end at 3.15pm.

There are a range of co-curricular opportunities across the school week both before and after school.

Bucklebury Code

At Bucklebury we make 

love tangible everyday by showing pro-social

‘Bucklebury Best’ behaviour’;




A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34


Sycamore – blue

Oak – green

Beech – red

Willow – yellow

Pupils may earn smilies for good work, good effort or other positive behaviour. One smiley equals 1 housepoint.

House points are totalled each week and house captains read the totals in celebration assembly on a Friday morning. A cup is presented to the house with the highest total at the end of each term.

The houses compete against each other at the annual sports day.

School Council

Our School Council has representatives from each year group within school and meets every two weeks. Class representatives are responsible for raising any class issues at School Council meetings, when appropriate.

The School Council has a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Press Officer and is overseen by Mrs Down. Year 6 representatives remain on the School Council for a year. All other representatives are re-elected each term. Pupils may only be a representative once in any year group.

Healthy Minds

(As discussed at a staff meeting, School Council and School Forum).

Snacks that are permitted

Fresh fruit

Raw vegetables

Raisins or other dried fruit

Plain biscuits, e.g. Rich Tea,Digestives

Plain crackers

Snacks that are not permitted

Nuts of any kind (due to children with allergies)

Biscuits with jam, e.g. Jammy Dodgers


Chocolate of any kind

Chocolate biscuits

Processed fruit, e.g. Fruit Strings

Crisps/Pringles/Cheddars/Monster Munch etc.

Lunch boxes can include 'treat' items (max 2) to be eaten in the dining hall as part of lunch. 

Courageous Advocacy

Each year pupils choose a charity to support. In addition to a number of events to raise awareness and donations for the chosen cause, pupils also support other issues.

The curriculum, collective worship and theme days are used to help pupils identify courageous advocates in our society locally, nationally and globally.

Community Action

Platinum Jubilee Tree Planting

Charity Support